It is a common misperception, that those who help others assume charge of their lives must be living a perfect life themselves. Haha, haha, ha! A misperception indeed! You see, as a professional I keep up to date with my CPD, practice evidence based coaching models and theories, and follow closely the scientific link between laughter and wellbeing. But my personal life as a mum of 3? Well most of the time, it’s chaos!
I blog about it because I believe that being our messy, imperfect authentic selves helps create a space where others feel safe to be themselves too. I hope my vulnerability and the insight into my ‘not so perfect life’ juggling life, kids and ambition is a gift to you. Truth telling is something that can unlock people and connect real people together. Laughter can serve us through pain and pleasure. If nothing else, I hope my blogs makes you smile. Thanks for reading.
❤️ Love & Laughter 😊
“Humour is man’s most elegant coping mechanism’ – George E. Vaillant, M.D., of Harvard

When we share laughter, we unite
Over the past few weeks I’ve lost two session bookings due to the religious connection of the word ‘yoga’. So I thought this would be a good time to explain that whilst my service is more commonly known as Laughter Yoga, my sessions are non religious - just like they...
New to Laughter Yoga?
Meet Nan and Joan. Between them they are 178 years old ? And this is what they have to say about Laughter Yoga.... “I’ve never done any yoga before. Laughter Yoga is truly wonderful! It’s great fun and you can forget all your worries” - Nan. “Laughter Yoga...
Juggling life, kids and ambition….. and a night out
As if this wonderful poem by the late Spike Milligan wasn’t enough to make you smile, there are health benefits to smiling too ?As well as relieving stress by releasing endorphins, and boosting your immune system, smiling also makes you more likeable. Being likeable...
Living everyday
We all want for things - it’s our human instinct. And having a goal to work towards helps keep us focussed and determined. But sometimes that ‘want’ can be overwhelming and bring on anxiety and stress. And then we lose the true meaning of our purpose. The ability to...
107 years young!
This week I had the pleasure of sharing laughter with my most senior yogi. And it was an extra special session as she had just turned 107!! ? Having experienced Laughter Yoga for the first time just a few months back, here is what Mary says about her monthly...
Benefits of laughter are wide spread
Yesterday I had the opportunity of sharing laughter at a residential care home in West Wales. This was a new home for me and the first time the staff and residents had experienced Laughter Yoga. As is common with Laughter Yoga, the manager of the home was...
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Vale of Glamorgan,
south Wales, UK
+44 (0) 7866 502462

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