Executive & Life Coaching’
“Facilitating the enhancement of life experience and goal attainment in personal or professional life. To be heard, to be challenged and to be who you truly are by developing your potential.”Executive coaching
Life has a habit of taking over us.
Before we know it, years have passed and we find ourselves in a place where we hadn’t anticipated being or planned to stay for so long. This may be a physical place you call home or work, or a psychological state of mind. Whilst we can’t turn back time, we can assess how happy our current ‘place’ makes us feel and the impact this has on our lives and take steps towards discovering greater levels of happiness and satisfaction.
Finding the energy, courage and motivation to change your current ‘place’ can be daunting, but with the right level of support, encouragement and challenge it is possible to get to another ‘place’ and become the person you want to be, experience more of the feelings you want to feel, and live the life you want to live.
Assume charge of your life
My aim is to be your supportive, encouraging and challenging companion.
I can help you gain insight by increasing your self-awareness, overcoming obstacles, getting unstuck by receiving support and space to make decisions, navigate through different options available and planning the next part of your journey.
My keen interest in neuroscience helps me to better understand the feelings and consequential actions of my clients. By helping you to recognise and acknowledge your feelings you will regain the power to decide how you wish to respond and stand a better chance of achieving the outcomes you desire.
My background in leadership and training, coupled with my experience in leading change through consulting and facilitation, has demonstrated that everyone has the potential to develop and grow. Coaching allows you to recognise and unlock your potential and develop a determination to succeed.
It is important to me that my clients feel safe to openly discuss personal and professional challenges and goals in a confidential environment without judgement. I offer an individualised and tailormade approach to each client which is flexible to suit your needs and can accommodate your time constraints.
definition of coaching
What is Coaching?
A definition of coaching…
The art of facilitating the development, learning and enhanced performance of another.
But what does this really mean?
What it is…
Coaching is a voluntary 1:1 confidential relationship. It is a finite series of structured conversations between a coach and a coachee, where the coach helps the coachee achieve a mutually identified set of goals to improve performance through the coachee committing to an action plan to achieve this. The coachee is encouraged to reach solutions for themselves. Coaching builds self-sufficiency – not a relationship of dependency.
What it is not…
It is not counselling. Counselling is reactive. Counselling happens after an event whereas coaching is concerned with the present and the future. Counselling is a profession with specific training and extensive practise in order to become qualified.
It is not mentoring. The focus of mentoring is usually around career and personal development, rather than just effectiveness in the client’s current role. It is an open-ended or long-term relationship, taking a broader view of the client and can involve informal meetings that can occur as and when the client needs guidance. The mentor is normally older and more experienced than the client who, as well passing on advice, can also share their network of contacts to ‘open doors’ for their client.
It is not a lecture. Telling does not bring about lasting change. What works for one person may not work for another which is why each coachee has full autonomy to make their own decisions to help them reach their goals.
What you do today will improve all your tomorrows
Life is too short not to get as much enjoyment out of it as possible, so take the first step towards improving, changing or removing yourself from your current ‘place’ and contact me for a free consultation.
say hello
Vale of Glamorgan,
south Wales, UK
+44 (0) 7866 502462